PLEASE NOTE: The blog has moved to my Mindful Parenting site, All posts below will redirect to
Seven Steps to Strengthen Sibling Connection
My father lectured my brothers and me about sibling rivalry when we were kids. It was a formal talk at the dining …
“How Do I Get My Kids to Behave?”
As a family therapist, I’ve been asked some version of this question many times throughout the years. Sometimes it’s framed as a request …
What Is Mindful Parenting?
I started this blog in March to share resources as we began the process of adjusting to extraordinary life circumstances. With so much …
The Practice of Imperfect Allyship
The last three weeks have been crushing and heartbreaking as the trauma of racism has once again been exposed in our collective consciousness. …
Talking with Kids about the Protests
One of my primary parenting goals is to raise conscious humans. I teach my kids about cultural competence and to stand up for …
Project Lemonade: Part Two—What We Make
I’ve been trying to get a bird’s-eye view of the last three months. With so much to process, it can be disorienting. Closer …
Project Lemonade: Part One—What Life Gives
I woke up this morning feeling the weight of the knowledge that quarantine directives are being modified and extended through the summer. Many of …
Managing Stress in Close Quarters: Part Two
We’re in the ninth week of sheltering in place. As family members continue to work and learn at home together, trying to meet …
Managing Stress in Close Quarters: Part One
We’re in the eighth week of sheltering in place. Families are appreciating more time together, and they’re also experiencing increasing tension, frustration, and …
Supporting Teens and Tweens through the Pandemic
Many teens and tweens are rightly worried about the economic, social, and health-related dangers associated with the novel coronavirus. For some, the impacts …
Part Four in the Resilience-Building Series: Grounding
What is Grounding? Grounding, centering, calming, soothing. These words are often used interchangeably. Grounding, though, is about noticing how your body connects to …
Part Three in the Resilience-Building Series: Resourcing
What is a Resource and Why is It Important? Last week, I shared the idea of using sensory tools to bring balance back …
Part Two in the Resilience-Building Series: Sensory Tools
What are Sensory Tools and Why are they Helpful? Sensory tools refer to using your five senses to regulate, or bring balance to, …
Part One in the Resilience-Building Series: Tracking the Nervous System
Did you know that we can increase resilience in our nervous systems? I’ve said to clients this week that we should look at …
Advice to Parents from Veteran Homeschoolers
This past week, I reached out to my local homeschooling community for words of support and wisdom to offer to all of the …
Learning at Home? How to Make the Best of School Closures
Many of my clients have asked me about the best way to begin homeschooling. As someone who has been homeschooling my own kids …
Staying Calm During the Coronavirus: Coping Strategies
In light of the global spread of the coronavirus, there are a lot of changes that we’ve been required to make in the …
How to Talk to Your Kids About the Coronavirus
Many parents have reached out to me to ask about how to discuss the coronavirus with their kids. Of course, the answer will depend …